Status Anxiety / Leather Care & Warranty
All Status Anxiety products are made of real (nice) leather which means that the grain and colour of every piece is unique and unrepeatable. Here’s the lowdown on how to best look after your shiny (or matte as the case may be) new wallet or bag.
If you're the cautious type you might like to apply a protective cream to help keep the baddies out.
Be extra careful/paranoid about using pens near leather as ink can soak below the surface & won’t come out!
Leather is basically a skin so avoid scraping it on rough surfaces or leaving it in the sun for too long as it can cause it to dry and change colour like a Brit on Bondi beach. "I got it wet!" Be sure not to dry it too quickly - room temperature is fine (unless you live in the Sahara) and be sure to keep it in the shape you want it as it's drying, as it’ll remember the shape it was when wet.
Status Anxiety products are made of quality material and constructed to last for a long, long time. In the unlikely event that you have an issue with a defect in material or workmanship within 12 months of purchase we’ll repair or replace it with a new one and cover the postage to ship it back out to you!
The warranty applies to products used under normal conditions and for the purpose intended and doesn’t apply to damage caused by normal wear and tear, or neglect. Be sure to keep your receipt as proof of purchase.